What is the difference between ordinary packaging barrels and emergency barrels? - 翻译中...
There are two types of emergency barrels that can be used when transporting goods, called packing barrels and emergency barrels. Also, while they can both help you move cargo safely, it's important to recognize the difference between the two before you start using them. Here's a quick breakdown of what differentiates packing pails from emergency pails.
1. Packaging barrels are not emergency barrels
According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, an outer drum is a smaller container used to fit into a large container during transportation. This steel drum can be made from anything from a 55 gallon metal drum to a plastic drum made entirely of hard plastic. Drums are essentially protective packaging used to protect containers containing non-hazardous materials. The U.S. Department of Transportation is also quick to point out that while all drums are, by definition, packaging drums, none of the packaging drums are emergency drums.
2. What is an emergency barrels
In many ways, emergency buckets look a lot like packing buckets, which is why they are often mistaken for the same as each other. But emergency buckets are specifically designed to transport hazardous substances. Emergency buckets must first be clearly marked as emergency buckets. So if you don't see a label on the barrel, there's a good chance it's an overpacked barrel. The emergency barrels have also passed strict pressure tests and can safely store dangerous goods. They can never exceed 119 gallons in volume, and they always have buffers and absorbers inside to prevent any harmful substances from leaking out of the barrel.
3. The emergency barrel can put the packing barrel into it
Usually the capacity of the emergency bucket has a size, and the packaging bucket can be loaded into it. In the process of sea transportation, there are generally a certain amount of emergency barrels on board. When the packing barrel leaks, the packing barrel can be put into the emergency barrel in time to prevent further leakage.
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